Market Recipe: Strawberry Compote Parfait

Market Recipe: Strawberry Compote Parfait

by Mueller Market Chef Julia Whitehorn

Featured Ingredients: 
  • 1 pint strawberries (diced and de-stemmed) – @vermillionfarms_
  • 1/3 cup peach hibiscus pepper sauce – @simple_promise_farms
  • 4-6 tbs dewberry yaupon tea concentrate – @lostpinesyaupon
  • 1 pint dark chocolate greek yogurt – @mothercultureusa
      Other Ingredients:
      • 1 orange
      • Honey
      • Local granola – @texasfrenchbread
      • Lemon balm – @simple_promise_farms
      1. Bring a small sauce pot to low heat. 
      2. Add strawberries, peach sauce, tea concentrate, and juice of orange. Let simmer for around 5-7 minutes. Add water to thin, based on desired consistency. 
      3. Sweeten with more tea concentrate or honey to taste. 
      4. Remove from heat and let cool for at least 10 minutes.
      5. To prepare parfait, add a base of greek yogurt to bottom of a serving bowl.
      6. Spoon over fresh compote and top with a sprinkle of granola and a sprig of lemon balm. 
      7. Enjoy all year round!

      *compote will last 5-7 days jarred in the fridge


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