Market Recipe: Strawberry Compote Parfait
Market Recipe: Strawberry Compote Parfait
by Mueller Market Chef Julia Whitehorn
Featured Ingredients:
- 1 pint strawberries (diced and de-stemmed) – @vermillionfarms_
- 1/3 cup peach hibiscus pepper sauce – @simple_promise_farms
- 4-6 tbs dewberry yaupon tea concentrate – @lostpinesyaupon
- 1 pint dark chocolate greek yogurt – @mothercultureusa
Other Ingredients:
- Local granola – @texasfrenchbread
- Lemon balm – @simple_promise_farms
- Bring a small sauce pot to low heat.
- Add strawberries, peach sauce, tea concentrate, and juice of orange. Let simmer for around 5-7 minutes. Add water to thin, based on desired consistency.
- Sweeten with more tea concentrate or honey to taste.
- Remove from heat and let cool for at least 10 minutes.
- To prepare parfait, add a base of greek yogurt to bottom of a serving bowl.
- Spoon over fresh compote and top with a sprinkle of granola and a sprig of lemon balm.
- Enjoy all year round!
*compote will last 5-7 days jarred in the fridge
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