Market Recipe: Stewed Swiss Chard & Pioppino Mushrooms
Posted on April 20, 2018 by Mallory Bush
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Stewed Swiss Chard & Pioppino Mushrooms
By Market Chef Maggie Perkins
1/4 cup Texas Hill County olive oil
2 T all purpose flour
1 bunch green garlic, sliced
1 bunch scallions, sliced
1 bunch Rainbow Swiss Chard, sliced into thin shreds
1 pint mushrooms, stems and caps sliced
1 quart vegetable stock
In a medium skillet over medium high heat, combine oil with flour, stirring until combined. Add green garlic and scallions and stir in the roux, cooking until limp. Add chard and mushrooms, stirring well. Add stock one cup at a time, stirring well and bringing to a boil before adding the next cup, repeating until all stock is stirred in. Bring back to a boil, then reduce heat to rolling simmer until thickened. Add seasoning to taste.
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