Fresh at the Market

Updated every Friday, refer to this page for our list of attending vendors, what our farmers are bringing, market layouts, and more!

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Fresh at Bell: Saturday, January 4th

🎵 Live Music by DJ Sunset – @djsunset_

🥒 Kale, arugula, collards, green beans, tomatoes, broccoli, Chinese celery, radishes (watermelon & daikon), bok choy, cucumbers, squash (butternut, acorn, spaghetti), green onions, peppers (shishito, sweet) – @bernhardtsfarm

🌶️ Lettuce mix, arugula, baby kale, okra, bell peppers, hot peppers, lamb, eggs – @flintrockhillfarm

🌱 Hydroponic lettuce & microgreens – @joes_microgreens

🥬 Organic living lettuce & greens – @lonestarlettucegrowers

🥕 Carrots, salad mix, mustard greens, turnips, collards, pickles – @luminariaacres

🌶️ Arugula, bibb lettuce (red & green), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, beets (golden & red), swish chard, kale, collard greens – @southernstarfarms_tx

Fresh at Mueller: Sunday, January 5th

🍅 Tomatoes – @b5farm

🥒 Kale, arugula, collards, green beans, tomatoes, broccoli, Chinese celery, radishes (watermelon & daikon), bok choy, cucumbers, squash (butternut, acorn, spaghetti), green onions, peppers (shishito, sweet) – @bernhardtsfarm

🫑 Heirloom tomatoes, bok choy, arugula, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, bell peppers, basil, Mexican tarragon, fresh cut flowers, microgreens (broccoli, salad, sunflowers, peashoot, dill, wasabi, spicy) – @bouldinfoodforest

🍅 Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, okra, potatoes, carrots, arugula, ginger, turmeric, basil and peppers – @emadi_acres_farm

🍄 Mushrooms (oyster, lions mane, trumpet, chestnut), arugula, tomatoes, baby pac choi, mixed greens, mushroom tinctures (energy blend, immunity blend and lions mane) – @growtopiatx

🥬 Salad mix, turnips, bok choy, radishes, mustard greens, collard greens, and pickles – @luminariaacres

🍆 Cherry tomatoes, peppers, herbs (basil, lemon balm, parsley, pineapple sage, cilantro), arugula, turnips, radishes (cherry bell & French breakfast), eggplant, hibiscus, mustard greens, kale, chard, salad greens – @simple_promise_farms

🌶️ Arugula, bibb lettuce (red & green), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, beets (golden & red), swish chard, kale, collard greens – @southernstarfarms_tx

🥬 Living lettuce varieties, cucumbers, tomatoes – @vermillionfarms_⁠

🍠 Kale, collards, chard, sweet potatoes, shishito peppers, eggplant, oregano, rosemary, garlic chives, tomatoes, loofahs –

Click for the list of vendors attending this week

Click here for this week’s market layout

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