Who: Hot Dang Presents Annual DangBall Tournament. All proceeds benefitting Keep Austin Fed
Why: The Hot Dang Third Birthday Party
What: Founder and owner of Hot Dang Martha Pincoffs
One lucky winner gets the Hot Dang Golden Bandana and Mueller Farmer’s Market Gift Basket and Apron
Local Austin band
Hundreds of Austinites playing the first DangBall Tournament ever
Hot Dang burger samples passed out to attendees
Location: Adjacent to the Browning Hangar at Mueller during the Mueller Farmer’s Market
Date/Time: Sunday, March 30 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 -p.m.
How is it going to work?
• Austinites can make on-site donations with all proceeds going to Keep Austin Fed
• Those who want to play will be asked to arrive at 11:00 a.m. for a Hot Dang bandana to wear somewhere on their person. The groups will be divided into two huge groups, rules will be reviewed by a referee (rules are similar to Dodge ball). We will use a simple chalk line on the grass for the line. For every person knocked out, you get their bandana. The top 20 players with the most bandanas on each team go on to round two. Then the final 6 from each team of round two go on to the final DangBall match to win the coveted DangBall Golden Bandana. Note, we also plan on using a softer branded ball as well to keep it a wee bit more gentle than Dodge ball.
Mueller Farmers’ Market will supply an apron and a winner basket from vendors at the market.
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